
Iceberg A23a, which broke off the Antarctic coast in 1986 but almost immediately ran aground in the Weddell Sea, began to move toward the Southern Ocean after lying motionless on the seafloor for 30 years.

With an area of around 4,000 square kilometers — it is four times the size of New York and twice the size of London — it contains more than a trillion tons of frozen water. Monitored by ESA's Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite, this iceberg moves at a speed of approximately 4.8 kilometres per day, driven by winds and currents.

As this ice giant continues its journey – scraping the seafloor and affecting the area's ecosystem – the scientific community is closely following its progress, aware that iceberg A23a not only represents a breathtaking natural wonder, but also a reminder of the complexity of the climate processes underway on our planet.

Its importance for the environment:

As they melt, these large icebergs release the mineral dust that was incorporated into their ice when they were part of the Antarctic glaciers. This dust is a source of nutrients for the organisms that are the base of oceanic food chains, however it could also alter local dynamics, affecting marine species and the food chain in the areas it passes through.

In many ways, these icebergs give life; they are the origin point of a lot of biological activity, but their movement also poses serious threats, as it could cause flooding and melting as it moves into warmer waters.

Your tour:

Iceberg A23a began its journey in the Southern Ocean, from the Weddell Sea sector into open waters. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current will likely direct the iceberg down a path known as "iceberg alley," where other icebergs of its type can be found floating in dark waters.

This ice giant continues to be the subject of study as it follows its course through the waters of the southern hemisphere, leaving a trail of questions and scientific revelations. You only have the certainty that in the end, like all icebergs, no matter how big, it is doomed to melt and disappear.

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