Some QTAssist tips for the medical safety of the little ones during the trip

Do any of your clients have young children and take a family trip? It is important to inform them about the need to be always protected, in case of any health problem that may arise.

Therefore, in this article of QTAssist, we will give you some practical advice to take care of the little ones if they travel.

What inconveniences can happen to children on a trip?

During a trip, the children are exposed to the following health complications:

  • Injuries from falls and blows.
  • Gastrointestinal problems due to inadequate nutrition and / or hydration.
  • Burns and fever due to heatstroke.
  • Earache when traveling or swimming in the pool.
  • Colds due to thermal variations.

Some advice if you travel with children

  • Make a general medical consultation and ask what the vaccination requirements are according to the country you visit.
  • Take with you the contact information of the family doctor and/or the pediatrician.
  • If the child has a preexisting and/or recurrent disease, remember to pack the latest medical studies.
  • Do not forget to have your medication and a medical prescription available, in case you lose or exhaust the one you have requested to supply you during the trip.
  • Protect the children from the sun and possible fall during the stay in places with swimming pools.
  • Take care of your hydration with mineralized water and regulate your diet, in order to avoid gastrointestinal infections.

QTAssist assistance for children

Sometimes, it happens that before the appearance of symptoms in children, parents make medical consultations for the fact of being on a trip. On other occasions, they adjudicate any medical eventuality to sun abuse or resort to self-medication.

However, it is essential that the necessary measures are taken to avoid further complications. These can happen at any time and place of the trip; even, in places far from urban centers.

In these cases, having the services of QTAssist can be useful for your clients, since you will be responsible for sending them to the assistance centers. There, your client will be served by the medical staff that is available.

Then, if one of your clients is thinking about traveling soon, try to check what your health care coverage plan includes according to the destination of your trip. Thus, the safety of the smallest will be guaranteed.

Contact Us

Our services in the health industry and traveler assistance are specially oriented to the following groups of companies:

Travel Insurance Companies
& Travel Assistance Companies