Personalized assistance: 3 solutions that QTAssist offers

When hiring traveler's assistance or travel insurance, it is ensured that it can be used in case of suffering from any particular ailment or sickness on our trip, that is, according to each’s need and urgency.

QTAssist provides 3 solutions that guarantee the most complete attention in these cases for its clients.

Assistance services

One of the aspects that includes the personalized assistance of QTAssist are the assistance services. Thanks to this, in case of emergency, the necessary medical attention provided by clinical doctors or specialists is guaranteed.

Complimentary benefits such as analysis and medical practices are taken into account, as well as hospitalization in case it is required.


In case of emergency during a trip, or stay abroad for labor issues, obtaining a diagnosis is essential. Thanks to the diagnostic, it is possible to better understand the patient's health and determine the level of urgency to properly act.

Making sure that the traveler receives the medical attention according to the problem he suffers.

Therapeutic treatments

A frequent situation when traveling you might have symptoms of an allergy or suffer from food poisoning. In these cases the traveler requires attention focused on a therapeutic treatment that reverses ailmen, so that he can resume his trip.

QTAssist is responsible for managing the required medical care for the patient, in a hospital or clinic, to achieve his improvement as soon as possible. Personalized assistance in travel assistance demonstrates the quality of the service contracted and the safety of your client on your next trip.

Contact Us

Our services in the health industry and traveler assistance are specially oriented to the following groups of companies:

Travel Insurance Companies
& Travel Assistance Companies